
Marketing is a mix of understanding supply and demand while creating strategies to increase promotion or attention focused on an item or event. Campaigns focused on unifying images and ideas across a wide array of media from print to digital, traditional to new age, reduces the risk of prospective audiences Read more…

Job Descriptions

While micro-management can be frustrating, there are very important landmarks within the human resource frame that create a context for how a professional relationship can move forward. Leaders need to maximize every opportunity they have to share their vision and relay their expectations. The job description is one of the Read more…

Sample Memo Thumbnail

Internal Communications

Management information structure is vital to an agile team working in dynamic environments. How we communicate is a strong indicator of how we operate. Embedded within that information structure is internal communications. Practical experience and research correlate team functionality with performance and efficacy. The samples included illustrate my style in Read more…

Sample Subscriber Letter Thumbnail

Audience Development

Communications with patrons is vital to growing audiences. There are multiple strategies which can be employed for positive interactions that work toward deepening patron engagement with the arts and, ultimately, any event-based, process-oriented workflow within organizational life. In working as a series manager and strategic communications director, I worked through Read more…